MAKE Electronics Project 7 - 10

I have been working through the book "Make: Electronics" By Charles Platt. I have been inspired to document my progress by James Floyd Kelly's blog regarding the book, It has been invaluable when carrying out the projects, check it out here - "" I like the idea of documenting your troubles and how you overcome them, it seems most people just document their success rather than failure, I think the latter is far more important when it comes to learning.

I've written a bit about project 7 - 10 on Xournal and uploaded the PDFs to Google Docs so people can have a look at what I learnt, I find writing down what I did right/wrong helps me understand the circuits and theory better and improves my retention of the content.

Project 7 & 8:

From MAKE Electronics: Videos
From MAKE Electronics: Videos
From MAKE Electronics: Videos

Project 9:

From MAKE Electronics: Videos

Project 10:

From MAKE Electronics: Videos